What is the gender of Kai from Esprit D'Air?
What is your gender?
I identify as male but also feel there’s an overlap with non-binary. My gender expression can be fluid, which is why I may present in both masculine and feminine ways.
What are your pronouns?
My pronouns are he/him or they/them.
Why do you use both he/him and they/them pronouns?
He/him and they/them both feel comfortable to me. He/him reflects my male identity, while they/them acknowledges the non-binary aspects of how I see myself. I don't care about which ones you use, for as long as it's any of those.
Are you transgender?
No, I was born male and identify as male, even though my presentation may sometimes differ.
Why is there a page for this?
Since this is searched a lot, I have made a page for this. I also get misgendered frequently by the press and media, so this should clearly clarify things. If you're a journalist, thank you for doing your research.
Anything else we should know?
I know my appearance can be confusing for some, but I value being seen for who I am, not just how I look. Honestly, I’d prefer if people didn’t focus on or talk about my gender. It seems to be a big deal to others, but for me, it’s just one part of who I am.